by - August 18, 2018

   When a relationship ends either both parties end up hating each other, they continue to care for one another but acknowledge it will never work and move in their own directions, or one continues to pine for the other. The last scenario is always the most difficult (at least, for the one pining) and can make an already painful process even more brutal. Sometimes, however, these cases do come to a happy conclusion and the other person also decides the relationship is worth fighting for. But how can you know if this is the way your story will unfold?
   You can spend years waiting for your ex to change his mind and show up at your doorstep with a bouquet of roses and a rom-com worthy declaration of his undying love. And if that doesn’t happen (which it most likely won’t since Hollywood endings only exist in Hollywood movies), then you’ll have to deal with the pain of having wasted so much time and energy that would have been better served in other areas.
   Sometimes hope is not lost and there is hope for a reconciliation. You have to be smart about it though, if you go too far out on a limb the branch will break leaving you badly hurt.
“Don’t ever tell anybody anything, If you do, you start missing everybody.”
    When I went to New York last weekend for work, I asked my old boyfriend David to meet me for breakfast on Sunday morning. I hadn’t seen him in almost twenty years. I searched my motives and determined they were clean. Of course I hoped he would still find me as beautiful and captivating as he did twenty years ago, but I also knew that what I missed the most about David over these years was our friendship and how much he made me laugh.
So there I sat in a window seat at a neighborhood diner on the upper west side waiting for a piece of my young adult life to walk through the door. He was a little late, which served me right. I never took him seriously when we were dating. I made him wait. I stood him up. His feelings didn’t seem as real or as important as mine.
   I’d had one long-term relationship before David with the man I thought I’d marry . David was supposed to be the rebound guy. I leapt quickly without thinking too much. He was easy to torment because he was quick-tempered with a tender heart.
When I’d behave like a jerk, he’d bluster and threaten and storm out, only to call five minutes later to tell me that if I wanted to apologize he would come back. Of course I’d refuse, at which point he’d race back to tell me how impossible I was and how it was over and I couldn’t treat him that way.
   Then I’d ask if he wanted to spend the night and he’d say yes.
David was me . In the long-term relationship I’d had before him, with the man I was supposed to marry. Who I threatened and stormed out on, only to skulk back later and beg to be let in.

  Love is a form of madness, after all. You should be asking yourself if it’s time to move on.
Everyone deserves to be happy in life- whether they are single or with someone. Contact your ex if you haven’t already done so. If they don’t give you any positive signs, then you are harming yourself by waiting for something which might never happen.

Life is happening right now. This moment is life. Love yourself and move on. Say “Enough is enough, I deserve to be happy”to yourself.

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