by - August 18, 2018

   Breakups, no matter how they're done or who does them, are never a pleasant experience. Whether they're healthy or out of the blue, both parties involved are typically left feeling alone and vulnerable in the end.
   Naturally, breakups are part of the dating lifestyle, and many believe that in order to find "the one," people have to go through a few heartaches and bumps in the road. In this case, sometimes calling it quits on a relationship can be a good thing if it leads to something better in the end. But of course, that doesn't mean the process won't hurt in the moment.
While some breakup stories are relatively harmless, there are plenty of horror stories out there that are cringeworthy, and flat out painful to relive. On Reddit's "ask" page, many ex-lovers retell their worst experiences being dumped or dumping their significant others . Their stories will make you laugh, cry, and feel second-hand embarrassment or guilt, but one thing is for sure, none of these couples are together any longer .

I broke up with her while still inside of her
   So not me being dumped but doing the dumping. I had been dating this girl for about nine months and my feelings toward her had gotten a little confused in the couple days leading up to it. Then one night were at my place and we start having sex and after a bit it hits me and I realize I don't love this girl anymore and more realistically confused my feelings for love in the first place.
   Well in that moment she noticed something changed before I could hide it and she demanded an explanation. There was no way out of it. I told her I didn't love her anymore and broke up with her while still inside of her. God, I wish it had gone differently and that I could have ended it in a much better way. Still feel bad about it to this day.

He broke up with me by writing in the front of my high school yearbook.
   My high-school boyfriend and I had been together for eight months, but he was about to graduate and I was a sophomore. The spring of his senior year, during yearbook day (when everyone got their annuals), we swapped yearbooks with each other just after lunch so we could write messages to each other. I spent the entire next period writing the sweetest note about how proud I was of him, how fond I was of him, how I would miss him when he left. When we met in the hall to trade yearbooks back, there was something distant in his eyes, but I put it down to a rough school day. When I got to class and excitedly flipped through the book to find what he'd written, I discovered that he'd filled a full page, just near the front. It was a breakup letter about how he had grown beyond me, how his parents thought it was best that we split, etc. He avoided me for the rest of the year.

Get to the door and there's another dude from another school I just happened to know.
   In high school I was dating this girl who seemed awesome. Decided to surprise her for her birthday with flowers and a few surprise date ideas. Show up at her house and walk to the door. Get to the door and there's another dude from another school I just happened to know from soccer standing there with flowers as well. We talk and decide her loss, go to a huge party and meet other girls.

   It's rare to find someone who doesn't have some kind of annoying breakup story . As a whole, people don't tend to handle breaking up with someone so well, and the results are messy. Just the words "bad breakup" probably give you some kind of flashback to a time you'd rather forget.

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