Why It's Hard To Find A Good Woman

by - August 17, 2018

The Culture Is Crap
   There has been lots written in recent years about the struggles men have dating in the West.
   It's true that there a lot of women out there that are either emotionally unavailable, too immature or too career focussed to have a serious relationship. Or they have unrealistic expectations about what they want from a man and they bust your balls for no return.
You can blame it on feminism, politics, culture or whatever. But it's all out of your control.
   It may be a legitimate reason why good women are hard to come by. But don't let it be an excuse to avoid doing what is necessary to find one of the few good women out there.
They may be fewer in number, but they are there and you can find them.
You Have Unrealistic Expectations
   It's easy to sit back and place blame elsewhere as to why you haven't found a good woman.But it is much more effective to accept responsibility for your circumstances and look in the mirror instead.
   Maybe it is you who has unrealistic expectations. Perhaps your standards of what a good woman entails is too high to the point that you overlook quality candidates when they appear.
   Alternatively perhaps you overestimate your own value in the dating market place, causing you to see most available women as beneath you.
   A more honest appraisal of your own character and doing the personal development work required to lift your value are the remedies here.
You Don't Make The Effort
   Women are often guilty of having a Disney princess approach to love. But they aren't the only ones, men are afflicted by the same diseases.
Just as women want to be swept off their feet by a knight in shining armor, men expect their damsel in distress to just appear as if by magic, without any effort required to go and look for her.
   You cannot expect luck or destiny to do the hard work of dating for you. You have to take control and make an effort to expand your social circle, get out of your comfort zone and actually meet women.
This is particularly the case if you have finished high school and college. Those educational institutions provide a social life and dating opportunities on a platter. Once you leave dating takes more effort.
   You Don't Know What You Want
It's pretty hard to identify a good woman if you don't know what you are looking for. What you define as good may not be what I define as good.
Since it's subjective you need to know what you want.
This can partly be solved with age, maturity and relationship experience. The more women you have dated, the more you know what you want and what you don't want. So just be patient.
   On the other hand you also need to do some serious soul searching and actually work out what it is you are looking for. You won't be able to find a girl with a checklist but it does help having a good idea of what you want.
You will be surprised what comes your way when you are clear about your desires.
You Are Trying To Be Alpha Or Beta, Not Realizing You Need Both
Some guys try really hard to display all their alpha characteristics. But after that initial courtship, they start steadily dating and have none of the warm, nurturing qualities that women want as well.
Other guys go completely beta and are emotionally sensitive and caring but don't have the ability to sustain a long attraction because they lack alpha qualities.
The reality is that you need to have both alpha and beta qualities if you want to keep a good woman.
   You need to keep the sexual attraction high, but you also need to have a softer side.
Yes, they want the good genes, but they also want economics success, emotional intimacy and the ability to be a good Dad.
You End Up With Emotionally Unhealthy Women Because You Too Are Emotionally Unhealthy
   It is a fundamental law of dating and relationships that like attracts like. You will end up with women who are similar to you in terms of demographics and in terms of emotional stability.
If you are needy, lack vulnerability, have no boundaries and are looking for validation from a woman, then you are going to attract a woman on the same emotional plane.
The solution to this is to sort your own problems out, confront your own fears and insecurities , deal with your commitment issues and then worry about finding the right girl.

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