by - August 28, 2018

   Cheating is a common problem in many relationships. When one partner discovers that the other is cheating, there are heart-wrenching emotional effects. Unfortunately, cheating cannot always simply be defined as having sex with someone outside of your relationship. Cheating comes in a variety of shapes and forms, but they are all equally devastating.We say cheating is a dishonest and unjust act aimed at gaining undue advantage over someone, alot of people think Cheating is basically about having sex with someone else apart from your lover, in this post, you would learn other ways you may be cheating on your Partner maybe ignorantly.

   Physical Cheating
    Simply put, physical cheating is the act of being sexually intimate with someone other than your spouse or significant other. It is one of the most common forms of cheating. Although physical cheating is common among men and women, it seems to affect men and women in different ways. Men view physical cheating as emasculating and a form of physical rejection. Women, on the other hand, may be more likely to see beyond the physical indiscretion if they perceive that emotions were not involved.
Emotional Cheating
    Emotional cheating may include physical intimacy but not necessarily so. Emotional cheating may begin as an innocent friendship. Eventually, an emotional cheater finds himself intimately confiding in the person, sharing thoughts, dreams and an emotional closeness that would normally be reserved for his mate. In some ways, emotional cheating is more crippling to a relationship than physical cheating. With physical cheating, the cheater may still feel emotionally connected to his partner and may only be seeking to fulfill a sexual fantasy. With emotional cheating, however, the cheater's heart may no longer be in the relationship.

Cyber Cheating
     With the popularity of the Internet, cyber cheating is becoming a more common problem among couples. Cyber cheating can come in a variety of forms. Cyber cheating includes Internet pornography, online dating and flirting with other people on social networking sites. Cyber cheating is harder to catch than other forms of cheating. It requires the couple to have access to one another's computer passwords and to pay close attention to conversations each person is having on the Internet.
Text Message Cheating
    Text message cheating, also known as chexting, has come to the forefront due to the high profile affairs of celebrities who were caught cheating via text messaging. According to Fox News, this is a new form of cheating because it supplies the physical proof of infidelity. "Chexting" includes sending sexually explicit messages or pictures and texting to arrange dates. Even simple messages that seem innocent, such as asking how someone is doing, can be considered chexting if the intention of the person sending the text is to hook up with the recipient.
Why do people feel the need to cheat in a relationship? 
   Lovers cheat in relationships for many reasons, but the underlying cause for cheating is almost always a deep desire for change. One partner becomes bored or unsatisfied, and instead of dealing with that in a healthy manner, they look for the answer outside of the relationship.
    Other lovers may use an affair as a way to exit the relationship instead of trying to fix what is making them unhappy in it. They are reckless in the affair, hoping that being caught will allow them to bow out entirely from the unsatisfying relationship.
   For those lovers that are trusting of their partners, cheating may seem unimaginable. They look for excuses to explain away the hints and clues that a cheater always leaves behind. They may fear confrontation and wait until they have absolute proof. A psychic reading can help discover that truth and put a stop to that feeling of doubt.
    You not only will find out the truth about your partner, you may also find out truths about yourself. Lovers who have been cheated on in the past are often hyper vigilant of cheating behaviours, even when none exist. The psychic reading will unearth your trust issues and help you to overcome them. This can be a great way to start while your looking to re-building positive love relationships in the future.
   Jealousy, fear and a lack of trust will destroy a relationship before it starts. If you are having those feelings, consulting with a psychic will get to the root of the issue and let you know if those feelings are valid.
    When someone feels neglected in the relationship because a partner is spending most of their time at work or isn’t giving them their full attention, it can lead to adulterous relationships as a way of that person regaining control.This motivation for cheating could be interpreted as a cry for attention, she said, and is a clear symptom of a lack of communication between couples.
   Unsurprisingly, when a couple isn’t having sex, or there are issues in the bedroom, it can lead to one party seeking sexual satisfaction elsewhere.It's a common motivation for adulterers and is often linked with a number of other triggers, such as feeling neglected, which Holmes explained regularly transpires as a specifically sexual neglect.
    For some, cheating is merely something to spice things up i.e. one partner has tired of the relationship for whatever reason and is looking for a way to reignite some passion into their lives, regardless of any marital ties they may have.
   Relationships are a game to some people, and for them infidelity is little more than a manifestation of a person’s opportunistic tendencies.
    Boredom and curiosity could fall into this category as well. Another common motivator for adultery is when one person in the relationship lacks self-esteem.This could spurn from a number of factors, such as feeling insecure about one’s body, career prospects or even their age.
    Wanting to “feel young again” is something that motivates a lot of cheating partners,who look for younger partners to reignite the youth they feel they’ve lost in their married or committed years.
    For some people, monogamy simply isn’t an option and they will cheat their way through relationships until the cows come home.Though they may try to mend their wandering ways, some men and women just can’t comprehend the idea of being with just one person for the rest of their lives.
   This could be down to a variety of factors, such as attachment issues, commitment phobias or even sex addiction.
Regardless of the reasoning; some people are just destined for a lifetime of philandering.
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